Paying Fans Fake Samsung Releases Galaxy S6 in China

The release of the Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Galaxy Edge did not seem as vibrant as reported. Reporting from wantchinatimes, in the report mentioned that Samsung pay 500 people to be fake fans during the event. Approximately 1000 people present there and half the fans paid. People who are in charge of recruiting also took fake fans which features seen still a student or under 30 years.

Not only there, Quoted from Ubergizmo there are also those who come for a job advertisement inserted in WeChat in China to get paid around $ 8.40 or about 108 thousand rupiah to attend the event for 15 minutes. All participants were asked to provide Like the Samsung Galaxy Baidu page. All the fake fans are also required to post the photos, names and phone numbers in WeChat. But until now there has been no confirmation from the Samsung about the truth of this statement.
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