Reasons Why Workers Need Much Drink

Alasan Kenapa Pekerja Butuh Banyak Minum

Based on data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, as of February 2014, Indonesia has 125.3 million workers, with 70 percent of entering the small and medium industries in the informal sector.
Various types of work performed, less will drain energy and fluids in the human body. Therefore, people need enough water intake to keep his balance.
But unfortunately, most of these workers do not understand the importance of water consumption for the productivity of the work done. Therefore, knowledge about the importance of water consumption for the workers must be given to the employees, who mostly do not have enough knowledge on this subject.
This led the Indonesian Occupational Medicine Specialists Association (Perdoki) in collaboration with Ministry of Health, to disseminate information about the importance of water intake for the sake of productivity activities of workers, in Jakarta, on March 4, 2015.
Socialization is done because it was the consciousness of the workers of the importance of drinking water per day is still lacking. This relates to their ignorance about the adequacy of intake of fluids in the body. The proof, many workers in the outdoors and indoors are rarely consume water.
"Without realizing it, our bodies even with mild activities, discharge every second of it. For that, the consumption of water is very important to restore fluid involuntarily out of the body," said dr. Nusye E Zamsiar, MS, SPOK, chairman Perdoki, and one of the authors of the book "Guidelines for Fluid Needs for Workers", which was launched together with the socialization of the program.
Along with several other researchers, dr. Nusye published a book on the ins and outs, of the importance of water is very important for workers, ranging from conducting mild, moderate, or severe.
"More and more activities are carried out, the more water is needed," said dr. Maya Setyawati MKK, SPOK, one researcher and author of the book. "Lack of water is, can cause disease, ranging from dehydration to kidney disorders," he said.
This socialization, dr. Nusye states, require assistance from various agencies and companies, to participate in campaigning for the importance of water for the workers.
"How, can be done by attaching pamphlets, posters, until another notice in a few spots in offices, schools, public toilets in order to workers, realizes the importance of drinking water," said he.
In addition, the need to supply enough water in the area of ​​office and work environments. "Thus, the workers will pains aware and concerned about the adequacy of fluid in the body," says Maya

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